Enjoy Light Therapy Right at Home

Experience professional-grade therapy torelieve hand numbness and pain. Featuring 660nm and 850nmwavelengths, 45 LEDs and 135 chips, Our red light therapy gloveilluminates your entire hand, fingers, palm and wrist, deliveringhigh-intensity light to relax muscles and promotecirculation.

The red light therapy for hand fingerutilizes 660nm + 850nm dual wavelengths, penetrating deep into theskin to effectively relieve hand fatigue and soreness. It can aidin the healing of burns, relieve arthritis, promote wound healing,and alleviate pain.

2500mAh magnetic power bank enableswireless use anytime, anywhere, delivering a convenient lighttherapy experience. With a charging time of approximately 2 hoursand a battery life of 1-2 hours, you can enjoy uninterruptedtherapy sessions wherever you are.

Take control of time and customizetherapy experience. Our red light therapy device glovet offers 1-30minutes adjustable time setting, meeting your personalized needs.Whether it's a short moment of relaxation or a deep therapeuticsession, it can be easily customized.

The transparent TPU film makes thetherapy glove effortless to clean. Make sure the device isthoroughly dry before using it again. Avoid using damp cloths orcleaning agents that contain alcohol or chemicals as they maydamage the LED lights.